PEPC Sends Letter to Healthy Futures Task Force

PEPC sent a letter to Healthy Future Task Force Chairs Reps. Guthrie (R-KY) and Nunes (R-CA) thanking them for the work that the Task Force and its Subcommittees have done to identify and develop policies to modernize and personalize America’s health care system, support innovative treatments, restore the doctor/patient relationship, and provide all Americans more affordable health care options that fit their individual needs.

In particular, we were pleased to see the Task Force’s Subcommittees put forward the following recommendations:

  • Remove barriers for employers to participate in advanced payment initiatives such as direct contracting, high performance networks, and centers for excellence for purchasing health care.
  • Build upon the Trump Administration’s site-neutrality rules and create more fairness in the payment system by passing legislation to 1) ensure CMS pays the same Medicare rates for drugs and clinic visits at physician offices and hospitals, 2) reform the inpatient-only list, and 3) end inappropriate billing practices that lead to higher costs for patients.
  • Conduct congressional oversight of the Federal Trade Commission to ensure it is correctly utilizing its statutory authority to investigate harmful consolidation and promote competition.
  • Build on the Trump Administration’s regulatory success by taking steps to improve quality metrics providers are judged by and ensure outdated measures are being eliminated.
  • Provide certainty surrounding provider reimbursement to ensure patients continue to have access to the services and care they need.

If implemented by Congress, these policies would significantly improve our health care system. We applaud the Task Force for prioritizing these important issues and look forward to working on our shared policy priorities.

To read the full letter, please click here.

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