PEPC Statement on the CMS Strategy Refresh One-Year Update

The Partnership to Empower Physician-Led Care (PEPC) applauds the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on the release of the one-year report on the implementation of its refreshed strategic vision and objectives, which were originally announced in fall 2021. We are pleased that CMS is building on the Strategy Refresh by identifying metrics it will use to judge progress against core goals, including having all Medicare and most Medicaid beneficiaries in an accountable care relationship by 2030.

PEPC continues to believe that CMS must leverage the physician-patient relationship to build trust in accountable care. Independent practices and physicians, who have repeatedly demonstrated their superior ability to generate positive results in accountable care arrangements, are core to this. PEPC also urges CMS to ensure that its models do not further exacerbate already troubling consolidation trends. While we acknowledge that there are challenges in building models that accommodate the full range of provider employment arrangements, models should not to be constructed to incentivize certain employment arrangements over others.

We look forward to working with CMS to achieve our shared goals.

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