PEPC Submits Comment on Ways & Means Rural Health Care RFI

PEPC was pleased to respond to Ways and Means request for information on improving access to health care in rural and underserved areas. Our comments provide insight into the challenges facing the independent physician workforce today, and how they can be addressed by advancing policies that promote provider competition, ensure robust Medicare fee-for-service reimbursement as a platform for value-based care, and support independent physicians in the transition to greater clinical and financial accountability for their patients.

Specifically, we urge Congress to:

  • Increase provider reimbursement by investing in the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule to ensure adequate reimbursement for Part B Medicare services;
  • Build upon existing site-neutrality rules and create more fairness in the payment system by passing legislation to ensure CMS pays the same rates across practice settings;
  • Work with CMS to ensure that their work is designed with physicians in mind, including prioritizing physician-led APMs and providing physicians a glide-path to make the transition to value-based care more attainable; and
  • Extend the APM bonus payment beyond 2023.

To read the full response, click here.

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