PEPC White Paper – Independent Practice Success in CMS Innovation Center Models

To better understand the independent physician practice experience in CMS Innovation Center models, the Partnership to Empower Physician-Led Care (PEPC) reviewed evaluation reports from several CMS Innovation Center models: the ACO Investment Model (AIM), Next Generation ACO (NGACO) Model, Comprehensive Primary Care (CPC) Initiative and CPC Plus (CPC+).

This white paper highlights the experience and success of small and independent practices that have participated in CMS Innovation Center Models. Key findings include:

  • Independent practices are more agile, flexible, and timely in their implementation of care interventions.
  • Independent practices deliver benefits of value-based care directly to patients, with higher enrollment in care management and disease management programs and directly providing acute care to attributed patients.
  • Once a model test ends, independent practices generally sustain participation in value-based care by moving into the MSSP or other Innovation Center models.
  • Independent practices are uniquely positioned to adapt and provide flexible care delivery in changing circumstances, such as during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Independent practices are more resourced constrained than other practices in some circumstances, often starting from a point of fewer resources when entering a new model, and particularly benefit from models that provide upfront resources to invest in accountable care delivery.
  • Competitive dynamics can serve as both a deterrent and accelerator for independent practices participating in value-based care efforts.

To read the full white paper, click here.

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