PEPC Responds to Request for Information on the HHS Initiative to Strengthen Primary Care

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently released a Request for Information (RFI) on strengthening primary health care in the United States. PEPC appreciates HHS’ recognition that high-quality primary health care is essential to improving health equity and health outcomes, and believes that adoption of value-based care models is critical to realizing our …

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PEPC Publishes Op-Ed on the Role of Independent Physicians in Driving Forward the Value Movement

The Partnership to Empower Physician-Led Care (PEPC) is proud to sponsor the first national Health Care Value Week (January 24-28, 2022), along with more than 70 other leading value-based care organizations. This week has been a time to reflect on the progress made to date in moving away from an inefficient fee-for-service model and toward …

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PEPC Op-Ed: Updated Clinician Pricing is a Matter of Survival for Small Practices

To give independent practices and physicians a chance to remain independent if they choose to, reimbursement structures for federal programs such as Medicare must keep pace. This is true even as organizations like the Partnership to Empower Physician-Led Care advocate for value-based care models as a path to sustainability for independent practices. Many value-based care …

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PEPC Submits Written Comments to CMS Innovation Center Health Equity Roundtable

As part of the next phase in their Strategy Refresh, the CMS Innovation Center is holding a series of roundtables to hear from stakeholders in the space. PEPC provided written comments about the role of Physician-Led APMs in advancing health equity. PEPC advocated for value-based care as a way to address the social determinants of …

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PEPC Comments on CMS Innovation Center Strategy Refresh

The Partnership to Empower Physician Led Care applauds the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on the release of the CMS Innovation Center’s strategy refresh, “Driving Health System Transformation: A Strategy for the CMS Innovation Center’s Second Decade.” We are pleased to see that the CMS Innovation Center is committed to making model design …

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PEPC Submits Comment Letter in Response to CY2022 Physician Fee Schedule

PEPC appreciates the opportunity to provide input on the proposed Calendar Year (CY) 2022 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) rule. As outlined in the letter, we appreciate the steps taken by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to reduce physician burden in impactful ways, and encourage CMS to consider additional steps it may …

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17 National Healthcare Organizations Urge Administration to Advance Value-based Care as Key Part of Health Equity Strategy

PEPC joined 16 other national healthcare organizations in urging the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra to press forward on innovative alternative payment models (APMs) as part of its strategy to achieve health equity. In a letter sent to Secretary Becerra, the groups underscored how APMs routinely leverage multi-disciplinary approaches to …

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PEPC Submits Dear Colleague to Healthy Future Taskforce

The Healthy Future Chairs Reps. Guthrie (R-KY) and Nunes (R-CA) opened up the opportunity to solicit ideas around how to improve the affordability of health care,  expand choices of how Americans get health care and health insurance, enable choice and innovation in types of treatments, devise ways to protect America’s health security and  bring health care …

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PEPC Submits Response To Congressional RFI on Health Insurance Public Option

Chairs Pallone and Murray, of the House Energy and Commerce Committee and the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee, respectively, solicited a Request for Information (RFI) to inform the development of legislation for a public option f that would lower health care costs and help families get quality, affordable health care. Developing a robust, …

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PEPC Submits RFI Response on Informing PTAC’s Review of Care Coordination and PFPMs

The Physician-Focused Payment Model Technical Advisory Committee (PTAC) solicited a Request For Information (RFI) about current perspectives on the role care coordination can play in optimizing health care delivery andvalue-based transformation in the context of alternative payment models (APMs) and physician-focused payment models (PFPMs) specifically. Given our specific area of focus, PEPC is well-positioned to …

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